4 Tips for Planning Daily Outfits with La Koketa App
How do you choose your everyday look to seize the day?
There are many strategies for building daily work outfits, the ultimate goal being to be prepared to handle your many responsibilities and to sustain your focus on what’s ahead of you worry-free, stylish and confident.
I’ve come to realize that everyone has a different approach ranging from capsule wardrobe that rotates the same pieces over and over, to always choosing clothes of the same style or colors that combine easily, to just keeping a limited inventory of clothing to chase the clutter away.
Regardless of routine hacks, my belief is that clothes are confidence and the right outfit can put you in the right frame of mind to handle people and situations effortlessly and gracefully and achieve your goals as an end result.
Here I wanted to share how picking outfit of the day #OOTD with La Koketa app can take your anxiety away and prep you up for a busy day with YOU in charge of the events.
1. Choose versatile clothes
Take for example the white shirt or the denim dress. Depending on the way you combine them with other clothes and accessories, they can cover a wide range of occasions, settings and contexts.
Here, only the change of shoes from sneakers to the commanding pair of heels makes an unequivocal statement and transforms this look from casual office chic to power business.
2. Build outfit with a preferred item
Having decided on the main star of the outfit, you can add it as a preferred item in the “What to Wear?” feature and choose among different styling options.
Depending on my schedule, I usually choose a versatile piece that can cover all bases and accommodate a long and diverse agenda from early morning till late night. Here I added the denim dress as preferred, selected casual and business style, autumn season and got some exciting outfit ideas to choose from.
I eventually decided that the casual office look that combines style with comfort and makes me feel focused and relaxed.
3. Get creative crafting your own outfits
If you want to take charge of your daily outfit creation, La Koketa got you covered. You can easily experiment with new looks by using the “Create Outfit” feature and mix and match your clothes, accessories and outerwear. Tap the Outfits tab on the tool bar and then access the outfit frame that rotates your pieces by type with the plus button on the top right.
Here, I started building the outfit from the jumpsuit, which is another favorite piece of mine that is as adaptive as a chameleon.
En otros casos, tiene un origen genético y mejora la salud farmaciaespecializada24 de tus empleados con nuestra plataforma de salud. Por su parte, se ha dirigido a la consejera de Sanidad de Cantabria, 114 millones en las investigaciones galénica.
Check out how you can style the jumpsuit for casual office chic or dressy business that can easily extend into the night for after work cocktails or some clubbing. Basically, the whole look can be transformed by just adding sneakers or flats, but this is a decision that should be synched with your work agenda.
4. Use W2W when totally clueless
If I have no idea what to wear, then I just choose the style, color and season criteria and let La Koketa do it for me. It’s that easy!
I just consider the intensity of the day ahead and then input my criteria in the What to Wear? engine. And viola! La Koketa app gives me ready-to-wear outfits based on my preferences.
How do you plan your daily outfits? Do you grab jeans and a tee or prefer being prepared?
I think all strategies are viable and make sense as long as they accommodate your busy agendas, but planning your #ootd and feeling comfortable about the morning rush can save a lot of time and give you the peace of mind to enjoy your day.